Apple Magic accessories Review
The Apple Magic accessories while pricey are a decent set of accessories. They have some design issues in my opinion but have some great upsides.

I've been working on getting a home office set up for work and for coding. It's been a slow process as room and is pretty tight at the moment until I find a new place.However, I've been watching for sales of Apple Magic accessories. I finally managed to grab both the mouse and the keyboard on sale!
They are both well designed as in anything with apple really. I was really surprised that there were no keyboard legs for the Magic Keyboard. Going into this I already knew that the mouse's design was lame and had the charging port on the bottom of the mouse meaning you can't charge and use the mouse. While that is incredibly annoying it's not so bad since it does charge very quickly.

For the Magic Mouse I would of loved more of an arch for support on my palm. The arc is very low from what I am used to as I hold mice in my palm. Depending on how you hold your mouse this could both you. I think it would be pretty good for those with a claw grip on their mouse. I absolutely love the touch scroll on the mouse. I think it is a genius idea! It works well for what I use it for. The mouse is fantastic I am not sure if it is worth the price point, but since it does have the Apple tax it's probably about right.

The Magic keyboard is not a big favorite of mine so far. Don't get me wrong it feels great to nice on. I'm not sure if its a non standard size or what is going on with it but getting my hands in the right place is a constant struggle. I feel as though this would go away with time. The price point this accessories is sold at with the number keys is insane. I don't think that it is sold at a reasonable value. I like the way the keys press, but they remind me of a cheap bluetooth keyboard key press. This may be because of how low the keys actually have to move which is a design choice. I am very use to bigger mechanical keyboards so this is a bit different. With that said if you like a smaller keyboard this one would be fantastic.
Connecting them up to your MacBook is easy. They simple plug in and they are auto paired and ready to go. The big kicker is that if you have a newer MacBook you will need a dongle to get this to plug in. I'm not aware of a way to get this to sync without having that dongle.
Even with the complaints of the design choices and the price points if you have some extra money these are probably worth picking up. They function well and they fit well together with a Mac.